Eczema Babies
Eczema Babies
Eczema Babies
Eczema Babies

Meegan Lim

Eczema Babies

Sale price$16.00
5"x5", 20-page risograph zine (Bubblegum & Light Teal on Warm White Cover and Pink Stock)

Eczema Babies is a perzine exploring Meegan's personal journey with chronic illness (specifically Eczema) and overcoming her insecurities. Follow along as her imagination brews up a special potion of dissociation and playful digits.
Eczema Babies may be a slight departure from her usual themes, but it captures a part of her experience that impact: all of her creative pursuits. Born out of her trying to cope with her eczema, she hopes this playful zine resonates with those who struggle with similar chronic conditions.

Printed by Quentin Mitchell, Vide Press.