PDF of Issue No. 3. Including: an essay on camping in the wilderness alone during quarantine; a horror reading list for isolation; an interview with a climate activist in Nigeria; a photo diary from a photographer in rural Romania; sheet music for a fun quarantune; three carb-filled recipes for maximum comfort food; a look at a public defender’s recent calls to Rikers Island; and much, much more!
The Pandemic Post: Issue #3 (PDF)
The Pandemic Post: Issue #3 (PDF)
The Pandemic Post: Issue #3 (PDF)
The Pandemic Post: Issue #3 (PDF)

The Pandemic Post

The Pandemic Post: Issue #3 (PDF)

Sale price$6.50

PDF of Issue No. 3. Including: an essay on camping in the wilderness alone during quarantine; a horror reading list for isolation; an interview with a climate activist in Nigeria; a photo diary from a photographer in rural Romania; sheet music for a fun quarantune; three carb-filled recipes for maximum comfort food; a look at a public defender’s recent calls to Rikers Island; and much, much more!