Queer New York - Vol. I, Issue I Newspaper

Off Matter

Queer New York - Vol. I, Issue I Newspaper

Sale price$10.00

The “Queer New York” project transcends time as it endeavors to explore the semantic drift of pejorative or self-affirming queer terminology over the centuries by documenting articles published in New York-based newspapers, spanning from the 1700s to the present day. These original articles have been sourced from digital archives and formatted to suit this compilation.

In this issue, we embark on our exploration of language that has played a pivotal role in shaping the discourse around queer identity and sexuality. We delve into the historical and contemporary significance of terms like “sodomite,” “faggot,” “queer,” “bulldyke,” “bisexual,” and more through the articles selected for this compilation. Please be advised that these words will be uncensored for the purposes of this zine, while other certain offensive and racially charged language primarily targeted outside of the queer community has been redacted, as they do not align with the intentions of this particular journey into language. Inclusion of an article in this zine does not imply endorsement of the original sentiments expressed in the article; rather, it serves as a demonstration of the evolution of language.

12 pages, broadsheet

13" x 18.7"