Mischief and Musings
The Proust Effect on Avenue B (PDF Digital Download)
This digital file is a PDF containing a readable version that is 6 pages you can scroll through and a one-page version you can print to make your own no-staple one-sheet mini zine. Print it, fold it, make one cut, then the final fold, and voilà you've got a mini zine. Created by me, assembled by you. Teamwork! (Photo guide of the folding process included.)
I find it fascinating how sensory stimuli can trigger memories and evoke emotions from a specific time and place. I live in a city full of an array of scents, some pleasant, and some that stink so bad they simply take your breath away, particularly on hot summer days. One day, a sweet, familiar smell wafting through the air got me thinking about the connection between scent and memories, and ultimately led me to an excerpt from Marcel Proust's “Remembrance of Things Past.” In it, Proust writes of how the taste and smell of things (in this particular case, crumbs of a madeleine (cookie) dipped in tea) can stir up specific recollections from memories long forgotten. This has come to be known as the Proust Effect. And so I wrote this micro tale.
Handwritten and illustrated with a pencil and a Micron pen.
⫷Perfect as...⫸
...inspiration to go for a walk to sniff around your neighborhood and see what recollections certain scents trigger. (But please use your discretion before sniffing.)
I find it fascinating how sensory stimuli can trigger memories and evoke emotions from a specific time and place. I live in a city full of an array of scents, some pleasant, and some that stink so bad they simply take your breath away, particularly on hot summer days. One day, a sweet, familiar smell wafting through the air got me thinking about the connection between scent and memories, and ultimately led me to an excerpt from Marcel Proust's “Remembrance of Things Past.” In it, Proust writes of how the taste and smell of things (in this particular case, crumbs of a madeleine (cookie) dipped in tea) can stir up specific recollections from memories long forgotten. This has come to be known as the Proust Effect. And so I wrote this micro tale.
Handwritten and illustrated with a pencil and a Micron pen.
⫷Perfect as...⫸
...inspiration to go for a walk to sniff around your neighborhood and see what recollections certain scents trigger. (But please use your discretion before sniffing.)