Rebecca Kempe
Touristy Stuff Vol 1: Toronto (Digital)
This zine documents some of the pictures I took while in Toronto for the first time. My trip was a short 3-day affair, designed to cram in as much touristy nonsense as possible while still leaving in some (very limited) time to walk around the city. It wasn’t a photography trip – I wasn’t really there to try to make “serious art” or anything like that and I only took my point and shoot and a very cheap lens with me. That being said, some of the graffiti was much too interesting to pass up, there was loads of stuff going on in High Park, and l kinda wanted to try some street-style shooting in one of the most iconic Canadian cities. When I went back through my archives months later, I was surprised to find some truly interesting material here.
I’m not a travel photographer; in fact, I rarely travel, period. I don’t have much of a baseline for what is considered commonplace or otherwise boring in any city other than my own. I’m not so naïve as to imagine that this isn’t laden with cliché imagery. But it is a collection of what truly caught my eye in Toronto, and hopefully part of it will be a slightly different perspective, who knows.
40 pages.
40 pages.